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18th April 2024

Post #1!

The website has had a lot of developments made... however I ended up scrapping my initial design idea for one that worked better on more devices and had fewer bugs. Keep checking back for more stuff, I usually do the most work on the site when I'm at work... I'm not just a slacker though!!! I can't really do much on my PC at home because its right next to my bed, functioning as a sorta YouTube TV lol.

We're moving house soon so I'm just in here with a bunch of boxes. My back hurts when I sit cross legged and my circulation is super bad when I lean on my arms / sit on my legs for too long. I hope that when we move house that I'll have actual room for a desk. When I was in my old room that's now empty for decorating, it was a box room and my bed squished the desk into the corner and my PC tower is quite bulky so it was overall a very cramped, stressful experience with my tower just unplugging randomly from the slightest nudge. Even typing this is making my skin crawl a bit!!! I hate being cramped in anywhere. It might be more likely than not though because my parents told me I'm actually getting the smaller room in the new house too, but I can watch the trains out my window so that's cool :D